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Editorial Board:

Editor-in chief

Michele Sanguanini (Univ. of Cambridge)


Timothy D. Arvan (Univ. of Cambridge), Rosie Bell (Univ. of Cambridge)
Emma Brown (Univ. of Cambridge), Prashanth S. Ciryam (Univ. of Cambridge)
Katie Cohen (Univ. of Cambridge), Simone Eizagirre Barker (Univ. of Cambridge)
Jenny (L.) Jiang (Univ. of Cambridge), Tom Spencer (Univ. of Cambridge)
Daniella Wenger (Univ. of Cambridge)

Communications Officer

James Dickinson (Univ. of Cambridge)

Cover Artwork 

Filip Jovic (Univ. of Cambridge)      




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From 2012 to 2019, CUSPE collected policy papers under the name of CUSPE Communications. These 1000-2000 words pieces featured editorial pieces, policy briefs, research reviews and other types of short communications on various topics where science interacts with policy and vice versa. 

In October 2019, the publications team at CUSPE formalised CUSPE Communications and began accepting submissions for a new student-run peer-reviewed journal, the Cambridge Journal of Science & Policy (CJSP). You can find our current and previous issues here 


Journal Submissions are Open for Volume 5 Issue 2

Authors from all over the world and across all career stages are encouraged to submit to Volume 5, Issue 2 of CJSP
CJSP is an open-access, triple-blind peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles (both online and in-print) to promote the science-policy interface.
Articles are accepted on a rolling basis. The deadline for the current issue is 1st August 2024.
We do not accept unedited dissertations or essays outside our established formats described below.

 CJSP mainly publishes two article types: 

  • Communications (short, 1000-2000 words): These can be about science policy or science for policy, and other relevant topics. They should be similar in style to a policy brief or POSTnote. 
  • Perspectives (short, 1000-2000 words): These include opinions on policy issues, interviews, policy debates, book reviews etc. While still being evidence-based, perspectives are less data-driven than communications. 

 CJSP occasionally publishes: 

  • Reviews (essay length, at least 4000 words): These discuss new developments in a scientific field and their potential impacts on policy, policy proposals regarding current science and technology issues, or similar.
  • Reports (short, 1000-2000 words): These can be write-ups of science policy conferences, lectures, workshops or activities. These focus mainly on those organised by CUSPE.  
  • Invited Contributions: Any of the above article types may be invited by the Editorial Board and are subject to peer-review.  

All contributions are deposited with Apollo, the Cambridge University research output repository. 

After reading the Author Guidelines , email the Chief Editor, Muzammil Arif Din s/o Abdul Jabbar (mads2@cam.ac.uk) to submit your pitch or article, to request a deadline extension, or to ask questions. Upon request, the journal can match writers who pitch an article idea with co-authors or a mentor.

Do you want to be a CJSP peer-reviewer?

We are currently recruiting potential peer reviewers. You do not have to be affiliated with the University of Cambridge to apply. Complete this form if you are interested: https://forms.gle/52JKbc6hubsXp8Av7, or email mads2@cam.ac.uk with your questions.

Do you have an interest in evidence-based policy?
Do you want to help build links between academics and policy-makers?
Do you want to build your networks?
Do you want to support the development of your peers?CUSPE strives to strengthen the ties between academia and policy-making for early career researchers in Cambridge. Our committee organise events and opportunities throughout the year to discuss the role of evidence in addressing current policy issues, provide skills development and career insights for researchers, and to develop networks with policy-makers and organisations.We are looking for enthusiastic individuals from across the university to continue this exciting and valuable work, providing the opportunity to organise fantastic events, meet policy-makers and understand more about the world of policy-making.Positons are open until June 1 2020, for students, post-doctoral researchers, staff and alumni of the University of Cambridge. A list of roles and descriptions are provided below, for more information please contact president@cuspe.org

To apply, please email a short application (max. A4 page) with the following information to president@cuspe.org by 1st June 2020

·       The title of the role you wish to apply for

·       Brief background of yourself and your motivation for applying


Core committee positons are elected by the outgoing CUSPE committee. Team member positions are by application and approval. Hustings will be done online at Pigeohole.live


Core Committee Roles



The Vice President of CUSPE works with the President to define the strategic direction of the organisation. They focus on:

– Maintaining and improving internal operations, team management and communications
– Acting as chief liaison for interacting with other organisations at the University of Cambridge
– Supporting and advising teams – attending events and ensuring everything is running smoothly
– Working closely with the marketing team to ensure consistent portrayal of CUSPE across all public channels.



The Secretary of CUSPE manages the records of the society and organisation running smoothly. In addition to taking minutes at committee meetings, the Secretary tracks the activities of the society and makes sure actions are completed. They are also in charge of the CUSPE calendar and working with teams on scheduling events. This role is good for those seeking to demonstrate their ability to co-ordinate across teams. In keeping mailing lists and communication channels up to date, the secretary will also gain experience with complying with GDPR legislation that will be useful in any future communications activities.


The CUSPE Treasurer is mainly responsible for management of funds, maintenance of accounts, streamlining income and expenditure with detailed record keeping. Additionally, the Treasurer works closely with the Fundraising team towards income generation through college donations and sponsorships from other organisations. The Treasurer is responsible for ensuring easy financial processing for CUSPE committee and timely allocation of funds through termly review. The CUSPE Treasurer, as part of the CUSPE Management Committee, is also part of helping determine the organisational sustainability, goals and directions.


Forum lead

The Forum is CUSPE’s annual conference bringing together early career
researchers and policy-makers. The role of Forum lead is varied and
provides an opportunity to demonstrate a wide range of skills including
project management. This role is ideal for someone looking to
demonstrate leadership skills by leading a small team to deliver this
event. With your team, you will develop the event program and determine
the theme for a half day or daylong event. The forum lead also manages
the budget and liaises directly with high profile speakers within the
policy community and academia. You will work closely with the Marketing
& Communications lead and Finance & Fundraising team to promote and
build on the success of previous events.


Note: Due to Covid-19 the 2020 forum that was supposed to be in April has been pushed back to later in 2020 the 2019-20 forum head will be staying on the management committee and organising this forum. The 2020-21 forum head will also be on the management team organising the 2021 forum.


Finance & Fundraising lead


The Finance & Fundraising lead makes the work that CUSPE does possible by bringing in sponsorship and developing the financial and fundraising strategy for the year This role is ideal for someone looking to demonstrate strategy development and communication skills, as key tasks involve identifying and liaising with sponsors. This role involves working closely with the Treasurer.


Lectures lead

The Lectures Team is responsible for organising our public lectures programme. Lectures cover a wide variety of topics within the science-policy theme, leaving a significant amount of flexibility when deciding on topics.

Topics are chosen based on suggestions from committee members, personal interests or suggestions from the wider CUSPE network. The team’s activities include finding speakers, booking venues and ensuring that events run smoothly. They also work closely with the Marketing and Communications Team to share and promote the events.

The Head of Lectures supports team members during the process of identifying topics, venues and speakers, and to delegates tasks within the team. They also work closely with the rest of the management committee.


Marketing & Communications lead

The Marketing & Communications lead keeps CUSPE visible by promoting events and publications and ensuring a consistently professional message and look. This role is ideal for someone looking to demonstrate their co-ordination and communication skills, as this role liaises with the Workshops, Lectures, and Forum teams to promote events. You’ll also develop your technical comms skills working with MailChimp, SurveyMonkey, Twitter and Hubspot, and work with the Webmaster on managing website content. You will support your team by identifying their strengths, developing their skills, and delegating responsibilities.


Chief Editor of the Cambridge Journal of Science & Policy


The Chief Editor decides the Journal strategy including publication partnerships with institutional and industrial partners. They have overall editorial decision on the content and format of the Cambridge Journal of Science & Policy and leads the editorial board in the production, publication and marketing of the Journal each year.


Workshops Lead

The Workshops Team is responsible for organising our workshops programme.

Workshops cover a variety of practical skills or important knowledge relevant for researchers interested in influencing or moving into science-policy. These are events that bring early-career researchers and policy makers together to discuss chosen topics through an interactive event format. Topics are chosen based on suggestions from committee members, personal interests or suggestions from the wider CUSPE network. The team’s activities include finding speakers, booking venues and ensuring that events run smoothly. They also work closely with the Marketing and Communications Team to share and promote the events.

The Head of Workshops supports team members during the process of identifying topics, venues and speakers, and to allocates tasks within the team. They also work closely with the rest of the management committee.


Socials lead

The Socials team is responsible for organising our social and networking events. Their aim is to create and maintain the CUSPE community through social and networking events. The Socials team is responsible for the begging of year launch event and the annual dinner. As well as other social and networking events throughout the year. The work with the even teams on social and networking opportunities before and after events.

The Head of Socials supports team members during the process of deciding on events, venues and catering, and to delegates tasks within the team. They also work closely with the rest of the management committee.

Team Roles


Team members support the team leads by taking the lead delivering part of the objectives for that role. There are a limited number of these positions, at the discretion of the team lead. For the positions on offer, some examples of what this could be include:

Workshop/Lecture officers

  • Leading on end-to-end organising of a particular workshop, panel discussion or lecture including identifying speakers, deciding themes, ticketing and promotion.
  • Leading on co-ordinating an aspect of workshop/lecture, such as room bookings or promotion of events

Cambridge Journal of Science and Policy



Editors manage the blind peer review process for individual articles and makes sure that each contribution to the Journal is finished to a high standard.



Copy-editors ensure that each article shows no typos and follows a standardised format; they copyedit drafts using the Journal’s LaTeX template and assist with graphic design aspects of journal and contributions.


Communications Officer

Communications officer is in charge of publicity campaigns of the Journal and liaises between the editorial board and CUSPE marketing team.


Finance and Fundraising officers

  • Taking the lead on a bid for grant funding
  • Assist the team lead in developing the 2019-2020 fundraising strategy including identification of new revenue streams
  • Leading on liaison with funding partners – internal (colleges, university) or external (charities, NGOs, etc)

Marketing and Communication officers

  • Lead on the CUSPE Twitter account co-ordination
  • Lead on the CUSPE Facebook co-ordination
  • Lead on CUSPE graphic design co-ordination

Forum officers

  • Work with the Forum lead to develop the programme for the 2021 event
  • Liaise with speakers and panel members
  • Lead on Forum budget management
  • Lead on organising a networking event
  • Lead on promotion of the Forum to audiences outside Cambridge by developing a communications strategy
  • Lead on Forum design for marketing material
  • Lead on Forum fundraising and sponsorship

Social officers

  • Organising a specific social event
  • Co-coordinating networking and social aspects of other CUSPE events


Webmaster and web team

The webmaster maintains the CUSPE website, ensuring that information is always up-to-date. Knowledge of WordPress and/or basic html is helpful, but not essential. Main duties are:

– Work with the Marketing team, keeping synchrony between the society’s communications (newsletters, social media) and the website.
– Upload new publications from CUSPE Communications to the website.
– Create new pages / posts to the website, as required by members of the Management team.


Contact president@cuspe.org for more information about any of these roles.


  • Unfortunately, our Science and Policy Forum (conference) has been postponed to a later date, due to the latest government advice on coronavirus. Please check our Facebook page and our website for future updates on the event.


The Cambridge Science and Policy Forum is an annual event organized by the Cambridge University Science and Policy Exchange Society (CUSPE). This year’s event consists of keynotes, panel discussions, and Horizon scanning presentations on a variety of science policy topics related to sustainability.

If you are interested in how scientific research impacts policy, or how as a scientist you can become involved in policy then this is the event for you. Whether you are a hardcore scientist wanting to learn more about the world of policy making, or someone who is considering a career move outside of the lab, then come along and find out more!

The event is intended to encourage debate and interaction between both policy makers and academics, and to help facilitate cooperation between the two sides to create evidenced based policies. We will be debating environmental and sustainability challenges in science and science policy and hear from speakers from academia, policy and beyond.

Speakers of the 2020 Forum (conference) include:

Professor Mark Burgman – Director of the Centre for Environmental Policy at Imperial College London

Andrew Millar – Chief Scientific Adviser to Scottish Government

Dr Emily Shuckburgh – Leader of the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training on the Application of AI to the study of Environmental Risks (AI4ER)

Professor Colin Talbot – Former adviser to UK Parliamentary Committees

Dr Stuart Rogers – Director of Environment and Ecosystem science at CEFAS


This year, there will also be an opportunity for you to get involved in our Horizon 2030 session which is based on the Horizon Scanning exercises of the Government Office for Science. If you are interested in identifying a key trend in your field, predict implications a decade into the future and present the outcomes to a policy maker you can find further information here:

Horizons 2030 Project


Do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions: forum@cuspe.org